Friday, February 03, 2006

Revisions, Revisions, and more Revisions...

Yes, I've been working on Autumn's Game. I wrote on The Greatest of These this morning, but after I hammered out my hundred words, I went ahead and started on Autumn's Game, again. I'm still upset about losing yesterday's work, but I'm getting over it. Who knows, maybe as I rewrite it' I'll come up with something even better! And I still remember the main breakthrough I made yesterday, something that I hope will tie the two weak plots together into one strong plot.

And now that I've changed the name, I'm working on making Autumn more of a prominent figure in the story. Before, she was just a way to tie the two worlds together, but now that the story has been named after her, I think I'm going to show her having more of an effect on the storyline. If it's going to be her game, I ought to show her manipulating her players, not just suggest it. Personally, I like the idea of suggestion...but I'm pretty sure that it was the stuff that was suggested, rather than shown, that resulted in so few people 'getting' the story. But, we shall see. If all else fails, I can always go back to the original (I never edit my originals--in fact, every time I do a major edit, I use the "Save As" option) and start again from there.

Now, back to the old grindstone. I'd love to get this finished in the next day or so!


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